Friday, October 21, 2011

Interview with Jarek James

Zodiac sign?  My zodiac is Pisces, "the most hated on out of all those who say they get hated on on 80 songs they exaggerated on" - Eminem

Fav restaurant in Atlanta? My favorite restaurant is currently a tie between Flip & Do'.

Fav nightspot in Atl? All the nightclubs are starting to look alike so no favorites.

How long have you been a photographer? I've been doing photography for almost 2 decades now, all go, no quit.

Where are you from originally? Im ATL-born and raised, #GOFALCONS

What's your favorite subject to shoot? I think it's assumed my favorite subject to shoot is models,but I love shooting landscapes, cityscapes, anything that appears larger than life on camera.

I've seen you photograph model's bday parties. If people need event photography, what's the price range?

What's your website link?
My rates are reasonable, honestly, but serious inquiries can hit me at for more info.

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